We throw a lot of excuses in the way of exercise and I GET IT. During this pandemic many have; lost their daily commute, swapped going shopping for online orders, gyms have been closed, classes cancelled, kids are at home, schedules have gone out the window… Whilst some of us have more time, motivation can be hard, with limited space and/or equipment But the truth is, all of us HAVE time to exercise, we just don’t always choose to make it!
We often hear about the physical benefits of exercise – better body composition, improved cardiovascular fitness, improved immune system, stronger bones and muscles, greater coordination & control to name just a few. We hear less frequently about cognitive and chemical benefits to exercise. Things like more balanced hormones, improved memory and concentration, improved mood, reduced fatigue, reduced stress, depression and anxiety.

We are designed with the ability to move for a reason! Be aware if you are moving less, you might need to adapt your diet to accommodate this and avoid excess weight gain. Try and create excuses to move, even if it is just in your home. Exercise comes in all shapes and sizes and every little helps. Walk. Cycle. Set yourself a daily 1 minute challenge. Exercise isn’t always about ‘getting in shape’, it is about taking care of yourself. Keep yourself fit and healthy, your immune system strong and your mind happy and clear.
This body is the only one you are going to get, take care of it!

Want to know more about the benefits of exercise? Need some motivation? Not sure how to start or what to do? Questions? Drop me a message.
BIG love
Tess x